AI is an amazing creation of humans. The AI applications that we are presently experiencing across various industries are just a  few. There is a lot much to be explored.

AI has surpassed human intelligence in various domains. Nevertheless, the human mind excels. Here we will study the AI classification.

AI classification

Based on the extent  AI can replicate human behavior, AI is broadly divided into multiple kinds. The AI systems that work equal to human capability can be considered more evolved, while those with a limited capacity can be regarded as less developed AI.

Based on this, there a two ways AI can be classified. One is dependent on the resemblance to the human mind and the ability to think and feel like humans. Accordingly, AI is of four types: reactive machines, limited memory machines, theory of mind, and self-aware AI.

1. Reactive AI machines

They are the first kind of AI with limited capability. They imitate the ability of the human mind to respond to specific actions. These machines do not possess memory-based functionality. This means that the machines are incapable of using past experience to deal with the present scenario, which otherwise means that the machines are incapable of learning.

These machines are limited to responding to a few sets or input combinations. They are incapable of using their memory to enhance their operations. The chess-playing supercomputer, spam filter, and Netflix recommendation engine are examples of reactive AI.

2. Limited memory systems

In addition to possessing the capability of the reactive machines, they can learn from past data to make decisions in the present. All the current AI applications are examples of this kind of AI.

The current day applications using machine learning and deep learning techniques have a massive amount of data as input in their memory to find solutions to future problems. For instance, the AI image recognition software has thousands of images as input to learn about various object names.

While AI works with any new image, it takes the input images as the reference to know the image content. With its learning experience, it classifies the images accurately. Some prominent applications of limited memory AI are chatbots, virtual assistants, and self-driving cars.

3. Theory of mind

The theory of mind exists as a concept or in progress. Theory of mind is the more advanced level of AI that is being innovated. Such a system will understand the structure it is dealing with by discriminating the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and thoughts.

Artificial emotional intelligence is still in its initial stages and is the subject of interest for most AI researchers. Theory of mind enhancement is interdependent and hence requires growth in other AI branches.

4.  Self-aware AI

Self-aware AI is just a hypothesis. As the name suggests, machines become self-aware. It would, of course, take decades to materialize the concept. These systems have emotions, beliefs, and needs of their own. The future predicts that the development of self-aware AI will lead to disaster.

If the AI machines become self-aware, they develop ideas on their own, out beat the human intellect, and can build schemes to take over human existence.

The other kind of AI classification we will look at now is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

Let us brief about each of them:

1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Artificial Narrow Intelligence talks about the present AI including the most capable AI that has been created until now. ANI performs specific tasks with human-like capability. These machines do what they are programmed to do and nothing beyond. Hence, they are termed narrow intelligence.

These systems correspond to limited and reactive memory AI. Also, the complex AI comprising machine learning and deep learning falls under ANI.

2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the ability of the system to learn, understand and perform as humans do. They are capable of building multiple competencies and configuring connections and generalizations across various domains. Thus, the time required for training is minimized. Such performance will make them as capable as humans.

3. Artificial superintelligence (ASI)

Artificial superintelligence is the top point of Artificial intelligence research, which will turn out to be the best form of AI intelligence. ASI will excel at everything due to greater memory, quick data processing and analysis, and decision-making.

There is a long way to go to the pinnacle of AI. Those who are optimistic about the AI potential have to realize that we are still on the surface of AI, and there is a lot to be explored.

Conclusion: The AI future

The current instance experiences a clear distinction between human and AI systems. AI transformation did not happen instantly but took time through the creative work of many AI professionals. AI  is already a part of our lives and is yet to experience more innovation in the future. Let us hope for the best that the technology will be used constructively for human upliftment and support.